How it began: The Manifesto

Yes, it seems like we’re doing it, we’re starting a food blog, and you might want to ask why. It’s a fair question, there are so many blogs and websites and platforms dedicated to food, that it seems pretty pointless to add another one, and yes, you’re right. Nevertheless, we’re doing it. One rational reason (if we really need any) to write a food blog could be, for example, that the combinations of ingredients that can be done in a kitchen are virtually infinite, therefore we’re pretty sure there’s a big bunch that haven’t been tried yet. But don’t worry, this blog is not going to be about weird and absurd recipes. However.

The first time we met (when we say we, we mean Jonas and Danilo, the minds behind the project) over a dinner table sometime in 2013, Jonas made Popcorn ice cream, with a sprinkle of coarse salt and olive oil as a topping, and Danilo was blown away. What? Popcorn ice cream? With salt an olive oil? That’s pretty weird, right? You gotta be kidding me! Well, it wasn’t. That ice cream was one of the best food experiences I had had in a long time, a complete new take on a subject I thought I knew a lot about (coming from Gelato Land). The point we’re trying to make here is, we’ll definitely try and surprise you, but weird for weirdness sake has never been a thing for any one of us. So we’ll see where this goes.

Jonas is kind of obsessed with the idea that the really crucial things in cooking have very little to do with ingredients. You know when someone makes something and you ask ”what was in that?!” and you get an answer and you’re like ”yeah… I also use those ingredients, why the F*** is this better?!”. You know, that thing. But he doesn’t know how to write THAT. He’ll try though.

Danilo on the other hand thinks that very few but good ingredients are key, that the simple tastes are those ones that will make you say “oh wow, so that’s what a zucchini really tastes like!”. Which is to say, he’s quite hardcore Italian in the cooking approach, but very open to use this method in pretty much anything.

So we’ll see. Worst case scenario, it’ll be just another food blog and you’ll get bored and then eventually we’ll get bored. Best case, it’ll be different and kinda good. And get better over time. Let’s just get on with it and see where we end up in six to twelve months. We’re gonna try to do two postings a week. One recipe and one either smaller recipe or something else, for example a restaurant review or an article about something. Stuff like that.